Monday, April 28, 2008

security tips

Take a walk around your home and look at it from a burglars point of view. Where would be the easiest place to break in? Where could you hide if a car approached? Is there a point of entry that is not easily seen from the street or a neighbor's window?

Making your home a less attractive target is the goal.Security stickers and yard signs are a great way to make burglars look for an easier opportunity, but there are many things you can do to make your home more secure

灯泡Home security- -Doors,windows and locks

  • Exterior doors should be metal or solid-core or 1 ¾ “ hardwood. Hollow doors should only be used for interior applications.

  • Make sure each door fits snug in its frame with no more than 1/8” clearance. When locked, the door should close tightly with no wiggle room. If there is a gap between the door and the stop, the door is much easier to force open.

  • Make sure all doors to the outside have good locks. Every door that leads to the out side should have locks including: screen and storm doors, garage doors, basement doors and sliding doors. Where applicable use deadbolts with a minimum of 1 ½” bolts

  • Lock up every time you go out, even if you will only be gone a short time. Almost 50 percent of burglars enter homes or property through unlocked doors or windows.

  • Never hide keys outside in a secret location. Burglars know where to look! Leave a spare key with a trusted neighbor instead.

  • Secure sliding glass doors with bars or locks, or put a wooden dowel or broom handle in the door track.

  • Make sure all windows, but especially those on the first floor, have good locks and make sure you use them.

灯泡Landscaping and lighting

  • Make sure all entryways are well lit; Use 60 watt bulbs or brighter where possible. A well lit house is a less attractive target.

  • Keep shrubs trimmed below windows to reduce cover. A burglar would rather enter through a window that is hidden from view than one where he is exposed.

  • Exterior lighting equipped with motion detectors are available at most home improvement stores. Use them to scare off would be burglars.

  • Make sure all entryways are well lit; Use 60 watt bulbs or brighter where possible. A well lit house is a less attractive target.

  • Keep shrubs trimmed below windows to reduce cover. A burglar would rather enter through a window that is hidden from view than one where he is exposed.

  • Exterior lighting equipped with motion detectors are available at most home improvement stores. Use them to scare off would be burglars.

灯泡Vacations and other tips

  • Turn the ringer on the telephone down low. If a burglar is around, he won't be alerted to your absence by a ringing phone

  • Window air conditioning units should be bolted to the wall to prevent them from being easily removed from the outside.

  • If you purchase televisions, computers, stereo equipment or similar items, dispose of the boxes in a discrete manner. Putting the empty carton on the curb, is like advertising your valuables to burglars.

  • Use automatic timers to turn on lights and televisions at different times of the day. Leaving one or two lights on constantly is a sure sign that no one is home.

  • Have neighbors, friends or family pick up your mail, mow your lawn, use your garbage cans, and park in your driveway when you are away. Even if a burglar knows you are away, the activity around your home will act as a deterrent.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

security pictures

Here are some security pictures may give you some notice :

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

12 Points Make Your Home Secure

The following list offers some inexpensive ways to make your home secure:

1--Do not leave a ladder outside of your home. A thief could easily, and they do, gain entrance to a second story window.

2--Always ask for ID when service men come to your home. Do not let your children answer the door. Don't be afraid to call the company for verification BEFORE you let them inside your home.

3--Do not keep excess cash around your house. Keep it in a safety deposit box at your bank. If you must keep cash at home, hide it NOT in the kitchen or your bedroom, as that is the first place a thief will look.

4--Take pictures of your heirlooms and personal items for identification at some later time.

5--Mark all electronic equipment with a permanent etching of your name and drivers license number or social security number. This process makes it hard for the thief to sell your property, and easy for you to identify and get returned to you.

6-- Never leave notes on your front door announcing your absence. This may seem incredible, but people do this all of the time. You might as well put up a neon sign giving your time of return also.

7-- Keep an eye out for a strange vehicle on your block. It could be a thief checking out the where abouts of you or your neighbors. Write down the vehicle description and the license number. Don't be ashamed to call the Police to report a suspicious vehicle.

8-- Purchase a timer that will turn on your lights automatically and light up your house when you are away.

9-- If you are going on vacation, arrange to have your lawn mowed, your paper picked-up, leaves raked and snow shoveled. Make it look like you are home.

10--Have the post office hold your mail until you return.

11-- Leave your furnace or central air on low so that people can hear it start up once in a while. This tells burglars that you won't begone for long.

12-- If you ever arrive home, and your door is open, or you see obvious signs of forced entry, DO NOT GO INSIDE, call the Police. Don't be a hero!

To keep your family safe and enjoy your life.

Friday, April 18, 2008

66 Ways to Build Links in 2007

If “Content is King“, then links are what put that king on the throne. Build links and you’ll be able to display your content to the world. Don’t build links, and your King won’t have a kingdom.

Hopefully you already use most of these, but if only 5 of these tips get you a new link, that is 5 links you didn’t have yesterday!

Just FYI, the tip is bold, with examples linked underneath. Thanks to everyone who took time to build tools, write content, and generally be willing to help the SEO and SEM communities. A special thanks to Andy Hagans and Aaron Wall, who wrote the 2006 version.

All links open in current window, so bookmark this page.

On-Site Content Creation

Content creation is without a doubt my favorite way of creating great backlinks. The reason these links are great is that you don’t have to ask for them or buy them, they come naturally, are defensible, and last indefinitely.

1. Write an authority article. (Without a doubt the best way to gain deep links.)

101 Ways to Build Link Popularity in 2006
40 SEM 2006 Predictions
Why that site with 50 backlinks beats your site with 1000 backlinks
10 Mistakes that Will KILL a Forum

2. Write great linkbait. (This is the ultimate for 2007.)
The Link Baiting Playbook: Hooks Revisited
Andy Hagan’s Ultimate Guide to Linkbaiting and Social Media Marketing
How To: Linkbait Your Blog

3. Use numbers in your titles. (People like numbers.)
5 Tips to Increasing Blog Traffic
3 Solid Gmail Productivity Tips
Put Your Best Foot Forward: 19 Gorgeous Website Footers
Top 10 Link Popularity Services

Three Tips to protect your family

4. Spend 10 hours and put together a huge list. (The link value will be worth the effort.)
Huge List of 390 Search Marketing Blogs

5. Say nice things about people who link out. (My momma always said, “If you can’t say anything nice, you won’t get links.”)
WBP Testimonials
Thanks Jim Boykin
Back from Boston Pubcon

6. Start something crazy like “Blogtipping”. (Good job Easton! Blogtipping has been around for about 6 months and has almost 200k results in Google.)
Blogtipping @ Google
Blogtipping - The Beginning

7. Offer awesome resources, free. (Everyone likes, and links to free.)
Free Vector Web Page Elements
WBP Free Internet Marketing and SEO Tools
Internet Marketing and SEO Tools Compiled
Free Vector Stuff

Free Sticker

8. Spellcheck everything, twice. (I plead guitly guilty.)

9. Link to others, and they’ll link back. (Most of the time right?)
Speedlinking at Technorati
Speedlinking by Problogger
Speedlinking by Dane Carlson
Pay it Forward Tuesday

10. Design an award worthy blog or website. (Not just a site you like, a site everyone likes.)
CSS Beauty
CSS Zen Garden

11. Create a contest in your niche. (These don’t have to be SEO related.)
Nigritude Ultramarine
v7ndotcom elursrebmem
Dave Pasternack

12. Say something stupid. (Jeremy did it best.)
SearchEngineJournal doesn’t link?
The Top Ten Most Practical Superpowers

13. Write a complete “How To” resource. (They get dugg frequently.)
How To: Make a Killer Photo using 8 Simple Composition Rules
How To: Achieve the Perfect Post Frequency
How To: Evaluate If The Free Laptops and Plasma TVs Giveaways Are Scams
How To: Theming your Ubuntu desktop
How To: Comment to the Top

14. Release a Firefox extension. (Make sure you support it.)
Performancing Firefox
Google Pagerank Status

15. Interview your industries experts. (Make it easy and quick for them.)
Interview with Google’s Matt Cutts about Next-Generation Search
Five Link Development Experts: A Group Interview

Off-Site Content Creation

16. Presell and content pages. (My content page on your site.)
PreSell Pages - Striving for the Perfect Link
Pre Sell Pages - a Better Way to Rent Sitewide Links
Pre Sell Pages vs Site Wide Links
A Positive Step Forward in Link Strategies

17. Write and submit articles. (Don’t forget your byline link.)
“5 ways to use your Business Cards more effectively” (514 Google results)

18. Submit articles to specialized sites. (Big sites in your niche, ESPN, SEJ,, etc.)
Sometimes these sites will pick up your article and feature your link in the byline.

19. Write and submit a press release. (Don’t forget your byline link.)
Optimizing press releases
PR Newswire Testing SEO Press Releases
Next Level SEO: Press Release Optimization
Benefits of an SEO Press Release

20. Offer to be a guest blogger. (Almost anyone is up for free content.)
How to be a Good Guest Blogger
How to Get Guest Blogging Jobs

Spending Money to Build Links

Spending money isn’t anything new for 2007, but it can still be effective.

21. Buy under the radar direct links. (You can email website owners asking to buy links.)

22. Buy in-content links on old pages. (Ask to buy a certain word on a certain page, make it simple for the owner.)

23. Buy old sites and link to your site. (Can be expensive.)
Screw the Sandbox - Buy an old site
Today is the Right Time to Buy Old Sites…

24. Pay for a sponsored post. (I usually pay $5-50+ for a small footer link in a post.)
Top 10 Reasons Why Proposals Fail
Looking for a VPS

25. Buy direct directory listings. (Some directories are better than others.)
Yahoo! Directory ($299/yr) ($199/yr)
StartingPoint ($99/yr)
Best of the Web ($69/yr or $199 one time)
Joe Ant ($39/yr)
Aviva Directory ($50/yr or $75 one time)

26. Pay for bulk directory submission. (You can find people willing to submit your site at forums usually for less than $20 to 400 directories.)

27. Trade something for a link. (Often times you can buy an office staff pizza on Friday in exchange for a link on their website. Or maybe you can sponsor an office contest or promotion in exchange for publicity on their website.)
Buy, Borrow, Beg, and Barter: Techniques for Link Development

28. Pay a link builder. (This will involve substantial cost and results aren’t guaranteed.)
Todd Malicoat
Andy Hagans
Eric Ward

29. Send your product to potential reviewers at no cost to them. (I wrote a review for a flash drive that had military grade encryption because they sent me a 512 kb model.)

Finding Free Links

30. Post your link in forums. (Use footer links on forums that allow links.)
DigitalPoint Forums
Webmaster Talk

31. Post your feed in forums. (Many vBulletin forums show your latest post (on your blog) by your name, in your “User CP>Options scroll down to the bottom and put your feed address in.)
DigitalPoint Forums
Webmaster Talk

32. Comment on blogs. (Pick a reasonable number, and try to post that many every day.)

33. Submit to generic directories. (Directories without major branding.)
Easy Google Search
Fresh Directory

34. Submit to the big free directories. (Everyone’s invited here.)

35. Ask for a link. (You’d better have a good resource, or be the authority in your niche.)

36. Sign guestbooks. (I know this just reminds you of Geocities, but there are thousands of guestbooks on sites with PR that are abandoned. Go get yourself a free link.)
Free Template guestbook

37. Find out where your articles are shown, and offer exclusive content. (This only works when real sites, not article-only sites, pick up your article. Explain why an exclusive piece would benefit them.)

38. Ask friends to read a new post, and reference it if they like it. (This can go over really well if you are well connected.)
New blog recommendation
Blog Recommendation
Blog Recommendation - The Housing Bubble Blog

39. Leave a testimonial. (Do it for every product you use, be specific when necessary.)
Testimonial Generator (just a joke, write your own…lazy.)

40. Support a non-profit website/company. (Make sure they have a website and will link you first.)

41. Build a website for a non-profit organization. (I’ve built 3 non-profit websites. You might also get paid for this work.)
The Resource Partnership (link at bottom)
South Shore Conservatory (designer didn’t link himself!)
American Vaulting Association (link at bottom)
IRCPS (link on left sidebar)

42. Form partnerships with online “friends”. (I have 6 people on my gmail chat list that I chat with regularly, I don’t mind asking for a link to a new site, or a great post. In exchange, I Digg their articles, post links to their good articles, etc.)

43. Create an awesome tool. (This is just one example of the many free tools out there)
Mom’s Salary Wizard (PR6, over 100k links to this page alone.)

44. Send targeted emails. (Make sure the first email asks a question, or helps them. Then ask for a link.)

45. Create a account and start tagging. ( Popular Pages can send as much traffic as Digg.)
My new page

46. Talk to manufacturers or retailers that you buy from about linking to you. (This could work with #36, leave them a testimonial.)

47. Post a listing on Craigslist. (Posts below are pretty spammy but do have links.)
Grand Opening Sale!!! Modern style furniture, Sofa, Platform beds… - Resume Writing Service for Sale (Website + Domain) - $3000
2005 Chevrolet Impala Sedan! Like New! Pic! Look! - $13999

48. Post a helpful post with a link at Google Groups. (Gotta love the straight html links.)
300 Links, PR of 1?

49. Post link spam helpful posts to Yahoo! Answers. (Do they ever moderate this stuff?)
SEO: What words come to mind?

50. Join your local Chamber of Commerce. (Every city has one.)
Orlando CoC
Madera CoC (could have links)
Palm Desert CoC

51. Join the Better Business Bureau. (Join your local chapter, most have a directory of members with links.)
Central California BBB
Northern Nevada BBB

52. Talk to similar but non-competing businesses offline, and ask for a link. (Explain how, by linking to you, their customers will see their site as the complete resource and are more likely to return.)

53. Create a free template or theme. (Wordpress or CSS/XHTML are both popular in the free template sector.)
Kaushal Sheth
615+ Wordpress Themes List
Free CSS Templates

54. Review a product or service. (Bonus points if you have authority in the niche, and are one of the first to review it. Many times you’ll rank right behind the product.)

Search for and you’ll find:
Site #4 - Opinions on Text Link
Site #8 - Review

Best Practices for Gaining Links

55. Have a privacy policy. (Every reputable company does.)
Privacy Policy Generator
Create an Online Privacy Policy (From the B.B.B.)

56. Create a contact page. (Mine is coming…I never said I was perfect!)
Contact Seattle Times
Contact Intel
Contact Apple

57. Don’t post spam content. (This includes PLR articles, only RSS feeds, or just “borrowing” content.)
Stolen Content: What to do first
How to Stop Those who are Stealing your Content
DMCA @ Google

58. Hire writers who are better than you. (Especially important when you have multiple sites and don’t know what to do.)
How to Locate, Hire, and Work With an Article Writer

59. Get 1 link per domain. (Sitewide links are SOOOO 2006.)
Get 1 Link and Go! Drive By Linking

60. Stay ahead of the curve. (You’ll get thousands of links if you have the first and oldest site about new technology.)

61. Link out, especially to blogs. (I always read people who link to me. Technorati keeps great track of who is linking to you.)

62. When writing, never lose sight of the “Super Digg”, and write accordingly. (Who doesn’t love a good super digg?)
Anatomy of a Super Digg

63. Install a page translator. (Anyone have a recommendation?)
WordPress Plugin: Automatic Machine Translation for Your Blog

Plugins/Translations and Languages - Wordpress Codex

64. Submit to a sub-category on Reddit. (Submit to the sub-cat and the homepage.)
Get ‘er Dugg - A Comprehensive Guide to Going Viral on Digg (Scroll down half way and look for “Going Viral on Reddit”)

65. Ping appropriate sites with every new post. (Wordpress and Typepad make this easy.)
List of Ping Services
RSS Ping List

66. Be creative when link hunting. (You’ll be getting links nobody else is even asking for.)
Want a Free .edu Link? How about 64,200?


Thanks for taking the time to read this! Like it? Please link to it and bookmark it!

Original text author

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Free security decal-Hot!!!

Good news!
If you buy any products listed in Dummy Security Domes, Free 4" Sticker per Camera!
The special details are listed at: security-cameras

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

How to escape from home fire ?

1、You should make clear where are the security exits before fire happen,so when occur fire you know the best way to run off.
2、Come to understand smoke's physical character,and when you run ,keep press your mouth and nose with towel,stoop as far as possible to keep away from smoke,run off the fire as soon as possible.
3、To prohibit sealing off the security door and windows with metal .
4、Close the door after you escape from a room,and in any case don't comeback to the fire for your bankbook or any other valuables.


Friday, April 11, 2008

Wireless Camera System

Wireless Cameras System


  • Indoor/Outdoor Camera & Indoor Monitor
  • Perfect for baby's room, basement, backyard and front door monitoring.
  • Use up to 3 cameras (1 is included) to monitor multiple locations.
  • Camera automatically uses night vision technology in low light (up to 10 feet).
  • Watch and listen on monitor or record to VCR.
  • Easy on/off antenna switch for camera
  • Instruction manual(745 KB).
  • Use up to three GE SmartHome cameras to monitor different areas
  • Record video and audio signal from camera with your VCR
  • Press auto button to scroll through up to three cameras (viewing time can be set between 2-30 seconds)
  • Camera can be free standing or wall mounted
  • Camera also works with GE Home TV Receiver (GESECWBW)

home secure dot com: Home safety

home secure dot com: Home safety

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Home safety

There are many places to look when considering home safety for your family. Home safety is especially important when there are children present. Let's concentrate on three main areas of the home that should be focused on to insure home safety. These may be three of the most dangerous places in and around the home: the pool, the backyard and the kitchen.

1-Keeping your backyard safe

This is one of the kids favorite places to play, but what can parents do to provide backyard safety? Keep children indoors or well away from any area that you are mowing. Don't leave rakes or other garden tools lying around as they can be very dangerous. Another good home safety tip for you as the parent is to always wear safety glasses when mowing the lawn and prepare the lawn before you mow by removing any objects that could shoot out from under the blade.

2-Safety by the pool

There are many home safety tips that need to be followed for proper home safety. Make sure that there is always adult supervision around any body of water. Install four-sided fencing that blocks direct access to the pool and is at least five feet high with self-locking and self-closing gates. For good pool safety , he latches should be out of reach of young children. Keep poolside safety products close by which can be used for rescue.

3-Poison in the kitchen

Your home safety regiment would not be complete without taking care to properly store all chemicals for child safety . Store all cleaning products in their original containers and in accordance with all manufacturer's recommendations. Don't put chemicals and cleaning supplies into any container that could be mistaken for something containing a beverage. If you have young children, make sure to put safety latches on on cabinets. When you are finished using any potentially harmful products put them back immediately and promptly clean up any spills. You can count on kitchen safety when employing these and other tips.

Jonny Problems: Jp SCUMS

Jonny Problems: Jp SCUMS

Door, Window, Exit Alarms

Install your own home security sensors, or door and exit alarms for your store or business. Keep your property safe and secure or use alarms to announce customers.
1-Electronic Watchdog
Police say a barking dog is an excellent way to deter burglars and this one never needs food, water, or to be taken for a walk. Rex is the ideal watchdog because he does what even the best living and breathing watchdog can't do (without some of the annoying problems that go with owning a dog). With his electronic radar eyes, Rex can "see" through thick doors, walls, and glass. And once his cord is plugged into any standard 110 VAC electrical outlet, he'll stay on duty around the clock, indefinitely. Rex can protect homes, apartments, mobile homes, RVs, jewelry stores, hotels, factories, warehouses, public and private buildings of virtually every kind.
2-Alarm Lock Alarmed Emergency Panic Bar

  • Alarm Lock's Panic Bar.
  • 1" deadbolt with hardened steel insert.
  • Deadlatch by inside rim cylinder or outside rim cylinder (not included).
  • For use with 3 foot narrow style door or double doors.
  • 9VDC alkaline battery operated.
  • Non handed with dogging function.
3-Exit Alarm

  • Helps prevent both unauthorized exits and entries through emergency exit doors
  • Easy to install
  • Less expensive than heavy horizontal bar type units and practical for all emergency doors
  • May be mounted on top, right left or next to almost any door
  • User can select onsite whether to use an alarm or annunciator

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Make Your Home Secure

Here are some suggestion to make your home secure:
* Do not leave a ladder outside of your home. A thief could easily, and they do, gain entrance to a second story window.
* Always ask for ID when service men come to your home. Do not let your children answer the door. Don't be afraid to call the company for verification BEFORE you let them inside your home.
* Do not keep excess cash around your house. Keep it in a safety deposit box at your bank. If you must keep cash at home, hide it NOT in the kitchen or your bedroom, as that is the first place a thief will look.
* Take pictures of your heirlooms and personal items for identification at some later time.
* Mark all electronic equipment with a permanent etching of your name and drivers license number or social security number. This process makes it hard for the thief to sell your property, and easy for you to identify and get returned to you.
* Never leave notes on your front door announcing your absence. This may seem incredible, but people do this all of the time. You might as well put up a neon sign giving your time of return also.
* Keep an eye out for a strange vehicle on your block. It could be a thief checking out the where abouts of you or your neighbors. Write down the vehicle description and the license number. Don't be ashamed to call the Police to report a suspicious vehicle.
* Purchase a timer that will turn on your lights automatically and light up your house when you are away.
* If you are going on vacation, arrange to have your lawn mowed, your paper picked-up, leaves raked and snow shoveled. Make it look like you are home.
* Have the post office hold your mail until you return.
* Leave your furnace or central air on low so that people can hear it start up once in a while. This tells burglars that you won't begone for long.
* If you ever arrive home, and your door is open, or you see obvious signs of forced entry, DO NOT GO INSIDE, call the Police. Don't be a hero!

Monday, April 07, 2008

keep safe

Home security should be important to everyone whether you live in a house or an apartment.
Knowing your home is protected provides peace of mind both when you are away and when you are home. Security is important even if you have outstanding public safety agencies (police, fire, highway patrol, etc.) in your area. There are far more homes than there are police officers, not to mention a plethora of skilled thieves, so it's important for you to do everything possible to make your house secure rather than just relying on others.