Thursday, April 10, 2008

Home safety

There are many places to look when considering home safety for your family. Home safety is especially important when there are children present. Let's concentrate on three main areas of the home that should be focused on to insure home safety. These may be three of the most dangerous places in and around the home: the pool, the backyard and the kitchen.

1-Keeping your backyard safe

This is one of the kids favorite places to play, but what can parents do to provide backyard safety? Keep children indoors or well away from any area that you are mowing. Don't leave rakes or other garden tools lying around as they can be very dangerous. Another good home safety tip for you as the parent is to always wear safety glasses when mowing the lawn and prepare the lawn before you mow by removing any objects that could shoot out from under the blade.

2-Safety by the pool

There are many home safety tips that need to be followed for proper home safety. Make sure that there is always adult supervision around any body of water. Install four-sided fencing that blocks direct access to the pool and is at least five feet high with self-locking and self-closing gates. For good pool safety , he latches should be out of reach of young children. Keep poolside safety products close by which can be used for rescue.

3-Poison in the kitchen

Your home safety regiment would not be complete without taking care to properly store all chemicals for child safety . Store all cleaning products in their original containers and in accordance with all manufacturer's recommendations. Don't put chemicals and cleaning supplies into any container that could be mistaken for something containing a beverage. If you have young children, make sure to put safety latches on on cabinets. When you are finished using any potentially harmful products put them back immediately and promptly clean up any spills. You can count on kitchen safety when employing these and other tips.

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