Saturday, December 20, 2008

Choosing The Best Security Locks For Your Home

For those looking for the best security locks for their home a quick trip to Lowe's or Home Depot may be all it takes to find the locks that work best. However, out of the many security locks they offer certain ones will perform best on your home. In this article the will guide you through the process of selecting the best security locks for your home.

Security is an area of your life you shouldn't take for granted. Neither are the locks you put on the doors of your home. There are certain things you should look for while choosing security locks and weave put a list of some of the basic criteria together to make your decision easier.

Install only ANSI Grade 1 Security Locks Locks are classified by their security and durability by the American Standards Institute and then maintained by the Builders Hardware Manufacturers Association. Grade 1 means these are some of the best security locks you can choose for your home security.

Install only locks with deadbolts. Do not choose any other type of latch device.

Install locks that cant be duplicated except by certain Locksmiths or the manufacturer themselves. New to the market these keys are called key controlled meaning they cant easily be duplicated. Key control is designed so that someone trusted doesn't allow the key to fall into the wrong hands where it can be duplicated.

Install security lock plates which are the portion metal which goes into the door frame. Security lock plates are larger and usually steel making the weakest part the door stronger. Using 3 or longer screws to secure the lock plate into the door frame. Burglars can easily kick a normal lock plate in while the door stays locked. But with a security lock plate and 3 screws it becomes much tougher.

One security flaw many people are susceptible to is buying doors with large glass windows which although they look good create an opportunity for a thief to break the glass and then reach in and open the lock from the other side.

If you want further information on purchasing security locks for your home one good place to turn is your local Police Department or Home Security System provider. Both should be able to do a security assessment of your home and make recommendations as needed.

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