Thursday, February 05, 2009

Checking the Malfunctional Doorbell

Doorbells are designed today to let us informed when we have a visitor while we are inside our home. They play a very important role in our daily life, but sometimes, there will be something wrong with them. Don't worry, doorbell repair is something we can easily do by ourselves. With a matter of minutes and simple tools, our doorbell will be up and work properly again.
However, the transformer should be checked first. Normally it is located near the fuse box or in a junction box, which is used to reduce home's power supply. So first check the wires on your transformer and then check if the transformer's rating is within 1-2 volts.
The next step is about the button assembly. You just need to see if there are some visibly faulty connections and check the voltage on the wires. Then let's check the button and use some rubbing alcohol to clean the button. The final step is the chime. You' d better take a through inspection.
After this series of checking, you will get to know which part is the malfunctional one. Then it will be very simple to replace it. Just do it yourself.

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