Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Demerits about Wireless Doorbell

In view of the merits of wireless doorbell, there are more and more people preferring to install a wireless doorbell at home. However, we should also make sure that we have taken their demerits into consideration before we buy it.
So, what are they?
First of all, it is the design. As a relatively new product, the available designs of wireless doorbell are relatively limited while the wired doorbell rivals in design quality. That is, the wireless doorbell still needs to improve in order to compete with the wired one. But the good news is more new designs are coming out gradually.
Then, let's think about the batteries. The wireless doorbell requires batteries in the button and the alarm, so the batteries need maintenance. Of course, this is only a minor issue since batteries can normally run for several years before replacing.
Besides, another problem is the limited frequency range. Actually,you can buy a wireless doorbell extender to solve it.

As each coin has two sides, we should be acquainted clearly with the merits as well as the demerits of wireless doorbells. But it would be a little bit foolish to not to see their strong merits--easy installation,flexibility, inexpensive, easy installation an so on. We should give the purchase of a wireless doorbell priority.

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